Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Theodor Reuss




[Undated: circa 1914]



Most Illus[trious] and Most Puiss[ant] Sov[ereign] G[rand] M[aster] G[eneral]


It is proposed by the most Illus. S.G.M.G. ad vitam for the German Empire and seconded by the most Illus. S.G. Master General of G[reat] B[ritain] and Ireland, and of Austria and Hungary that the Hon Degree of 97 of Grand Hierophant made vacant by the death of the late lamented Most Illus. Sov. G.M.G. of G.B. and Ireland, John Yarker, be conferred upon the Most Illus. S.G.M.G. of France Dr. Gérard Encausse 33°, 90°, 96°, on account of his world wide eminence and his successful labours on behalf of the Rite.


Your vote on this proposition is asked. Unless we receive from you within 4 weeks from the date of this letter a proposition to the contrary we assume your acquiescence and shall declare him formally Grand Hierophant.


Yours most fraternally in the Bonds of the Order.


