Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Unknown Correspondent
[Undated: circa 1914]
Care Frater.
I hadn't time to answer your first letter before your second came. Very glad to hear of you at Boleskine, and hope you can send the proofs in the course of a week. I am surprised the sketch book takes so long to do. I thought it would be a thing to finish in a couple of days. There is no new Cremers [Vittoria Cremers] and every hope of tidying things over the next month with a little luck. You should push the business with Buchan. If he is worried enough he will probably give way. The idea of Nelson's being so unreal and all the world so immoral is probably due to overheating of the brain caused by indiscreet and indiscriminate potations. No more flu and general joy at a little warm weather.
So much for your first letter. As for the second of course I was thinking that the term was at the end of June. I can never keep these things in my head. Anyway there's nothing else to be paid, except a similar sum in six month's time, and the rates and so on amounting to about £25 or rather less payable in January, and of course that Shylock Cowie [George MacNie Cowie], but I don't know when his pounds of flesh come home from the butcher's. However the man is a perfect bogey to me. I am going to draw a funny picture of him in Lodge as Principal Ogre, to try and inspire some financial Jack the Giant Killer to come and bombard his house from the top of Blackford Hill.
When I said there was nothing else to pay I omitted to remind you that some of the Temple Furniture is pawned to the extent of £79. I don't quite understand what you say about the overdraft, but I suppose it means that you are clear, but with a small balance. I don't think it is a good plan to use a non de plume, especially on official documents. Can't you differentiate from your ordinary signature without that?
In haste.