Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to the Occult Review
[Undated: circa January 1914]
To the Editor of the Occult Review.
“The Secret Doctrine in Israel.”
Sir,—David was surprised on seeing Saul among the prophets, but Mr. Waite among the magicians—and phallic magicians at that!—would be still more astounding were it not that my article “Energized Enthusiasm” (which appeared last March) anticipated Mr. Waite’s [Arthur Edward Waite] conclusions in almost every detail, and is, I have no doubt, responsible for this volte-face and stultification of his whole teaching for so many years.
For it is not that he merely records his belief that the Zohar teaches sex-magic; he advocates the practice in set terms as eloquent as they are lucid (p. 320).
It is with holy joy that I am able to recognize Mr. Waite as, with respect to this mystery at least, an initiate, so far as intellectual comprehension of truth can confer that title.
I am Sir,
Yours faithfully,