Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
[Undated: circa 21 September 1914]
Care Frater
Good news! I had begun a letter to you on Friday after receiving your second one that day and the other cheque and said that it looked to me very like Jupiter taking Saturn's place in your directions, and now it looks like it, by Jupiter! See the letter attached. Politeness demands an immediate reply, so I've spent a hapless morning concocting (I hope) a diplomatic masterpiece with a view to landing that very promising trout by not appearing too eager about it. You'll see by the copy that it commits us to nothing till I have your advice. I rather infer that it will be a favour if we let the place [Boleskine House] and that touch about its peacefulness is a gem.
But seriously I am bound to get your opinion in the light of recent revelations as to whether you don't want to keep the place free as a city or refuge or as a site for the Vault?
I've got my two £100 securities into the hands of a stockbroker and have agreed to a probable loss of 25 per cent or 30 at a pinch. If Jupiter keeps propitious we may have £150 for printing purposes. That other cheque that came leaves me still with £5 at disposal if wanted.
What a genius I am at figures. I said I'd come for a week, 29th to 13th. I meant Oct 6 but I daresay the earlier date will be best? I will finish Friday's letter later, I was in a writing mood and it's mostly gossip. I must finish this and get it posted if you are to get in Monday, which is the Autumn holiday here and I'll not be at the works till the late afternoon. I hope this will find you lots better and not so pessimistic, all hail, Baphomet.
F[iat] P[ax]