Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to George MacNie Cowie




G.M. Cowie, Esq.,

14, Glemisla Gardens,




25th. September [19]14.



Care Frater,


Thanks for your letters of Monday and Wednesday. I seem to be a little better, but as the doctor has not been for over a week, it may well be all my morbid imagination. I think it will be better for you to come on the 29th so as to be able to take any steps that may seem advisable before the 4th Oct. The moratorium is the financial expedient of a congenial [sic] idiot, and its abrogation at a fortnight's notice, is the trick of a mischievous maniac. I suppose two-thirds of the population of London will be turned out to the streets on the 4th. October, and if they do not instantly start a revolution, they must indeed be fools. The hanging of Lloyd George is the only immediately practical measure which I can think of as likely to produce even temporary relief. I should take every penny that I could get hold of in gold, not silver or paper, and hang on to it for dear life.


With regard to your serious correspondent. I think she should be signed on [into the O.T.O.] immediately. Our system is after all an extraordinary simplification; the complexity is due to the others, and the only difficulty that arises is owing to the fact that there was so much to simplify. But she need not worry about any such matters until she gets to the VII°, which she is not likely to do for a while. In the first three degrees is obtained a complete picture of life and the point of view is bound to be extremely comforting, especially to one in her precarious condition of health. I do not know, by the way, whether this is sufficiently bad to prevent her going through ceremonies. If so, they would have to be explained to her. This is the sort of person whom I find myself able to comfort, and you ought to be able to do a good deal better than I can.


I think there is no more to be said at present. I shall hope to see you in a few days. I return the letter as requested.


Yours fraternally.


