Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
33 Avenue Studios. S.W.
20 the Oct 1914.
Care Frater,
I am quite satisfied with the sketch of the Pactacle, which I return. The chief criticism which I have to make is the writing of the title of the Tarot Trump on the Hendekagram, and (generally speaking) the explanatory note of it, which implies a lack of concentration.
With regard to the Geomancy Lecture, you should cut out the Macaneh Square, and destroy it. The only omission is the signs of the planetary rulers, but you can use the Hebrew or Enochian letters instead.
With regard to the meanings of the figures, I do not much approve of those given in the handbook. You had better make a study of the 16 figures from first principles; this Puer belongs to Aries, and will be strong in the 12th., though the handbook says that they are both evil. The only time when things are bad in their own houses, are on such occasions as the following. The 10 of Wands is called the Lord of Oppression, which is because it is too much of a good thing; but you will soon find out all this from experience. Geomancy is a very reliable method, and I strongly recommend you to undertake a most careful research. Practice it constantly, keeping a careful record of your judgments.
By the way, I am likely to be in New York by the time you get this letter. If so, I shall probably write to you from there.
Yours fraternally,