Correspondence from L. B. Yardley to Frank Bennett
O .T . O.
"Baynards", Innes Street, Observatory, Johannesburg, 2nd. Nov. 1914.
Worshipful Brother Frank Bennett,
Dear Sir and Brother,
Your letter of 21st July addressed to the V[ery]∴H[oly]∴I[llustrious]∴ and Ill[uminated]∴ Bro[ther]∴ Crowley has been forwarded to the National Grand Master General for the Union of South Africa to be dealt with.
I am requested by him to reply as follows:—
1. He notes your desire to work a Section of O.T.O. (Order Templi Orientis) and is willing to supply you with the necessary authorities to enable you to do so.
2. Conditions are as follows:—
(a) You are to execute and return to me the enclosed Oath of Allegiance to the order.
(b) You will be required to sever your connection with the movement known as the order of Universal Masonry. You will no doubts have gathered from "the Manifesto [of the M∴M∴M\]" forwarded to you by the British Section that this Order, although an Acadamia Masonica, possesses peculiar and distinctive secrets, in fact enshrines one great Secret which is built up by the various Degrees of the System, and is at the same time most carefully guarded by the magnificent Rituals of the Rite known as the Mysteria Mystica Maxima. Under these circumstances you will readily perceive that intercourse with Masonic bodies not possessing this Secret is impossible.
(c) On receipt of this Oath duly executed, the National Grand Master General is willing to affiliate you and confer upon you the Degree of Honorary VII° with the title of Acting Viceroy for the National Section of Australia.
It will be necessary for you to secure another two trusty brethren who will receive similar degrees, the full name of at least one to be furnished if possible, this will enable you to form a National Grand Council for Australia who will then be empowered to charter Lodges within the territory mentioned. Until otherwise directed and authorized, this Charter will only enable you to work up to the III°.
(d) In the Manifesto above referred to there is a Table of Fees and Subscriptions which it will be as well for you to adhere to as closely as possible.
It will be necessary for each Member of your National Grand Council to remit to me a fee of honor which should be not less than £5-5-0 each. These Fees of Honor will be forwarded by me to the Grand Treasurer General of the British Section. Thereafter, in so far as the South African Section is concerned, it will have nothing further to do with the Financial affairs of your Section. For your guidance, however, I would mention that it will be necessary for you to levy a capitation fee on all members in good standing in any Lodges you may charter, which capitation fee will have to be remitted to the British Section from time to time.
(e) I am having prepared a copy of the necessary Rituals which will be forwarded to you as soon as the Oath of Allegiance is in my hands.
3. I am directed to inform you that you will be provided with the formal secrets of the Degrees to be worked, at the same time it should be your most earnest endeavour that at least one of your Supreme Council should visit London and go properly through the Degrees as soon as possible.
I am further directed to inform you that as soon as your Supreme Council be formed and you are in possession of the necessary Authorities and Rituals, you will be handed over to the British Section with whom you will then have to deal direct. In the meantime, however, this Section will supply all the necessary information and you will therefore communicate with me for the time being.
Yours faithfully and fraternally,
L. B. Yardley VII° National Grand Secretary General.