Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
40 W 36th Street. New York.
Dec 1st 1914.
Care Frater,
Yours of Oct 30th has just been forwarded to me here, where I have established headquarters of the O.T.O., being about to form a Supreme Council for the U.S.A.
With regard to your own very welcome application. . . . . . . . I suggest that you should come to New York for the holidays. I will confer the grades on you up to VII° practically in full. . . . . . . I will also give you a charter and diploma, and the rituals up to P of J, with instructions for working them. When you have all your people initiated so far, we can proceed with the V° Rose Croix degree. . . . . . . . But I would ask you to note that this is rather irregular and comes under the head of emergency. . . . . . .
I am particularly glad to hear of your success, as in the present world-crises the O.T.O. is urgently in need of depositories in remote parts of the inestimably valuable secrets of its higher grades, which for the first time in history have been written down and confided to responsible persons.
Please reply at the earliest possible moment.
Yours fraternally,
Crowley X° O.T.O. for Ireland Iona and all the Britains.