Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to John Quinn




[25 December 1914]



On 25 December 1914 Crowley presented John Quinn with an inscribed copy of his handwritten manuscript of "The King of Terrors" which was published in The Equinox Vol. I No. 9 under the title under the tile "The Testament of Magdalen Blair". The manuscript is described as:


Autograph Manuscript of “The King of Terrors,” written on 90 pages, quarto, and bound in limp crimson morocco. In a cloth solander case. This manuscript is signed at the end in red ink, in bold large characters, and dated 21.11.12.


On the fly-leaf Crowley has inscribed: “To John Quinn the M.S. of my best story (so far). Christmas 1914, a tiny tribute from Aleister Crowley.”


