Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



[Undated: circa 1915?]



[Partial letter only.]


Luckily the dawn meditation has not know to be perforce neglected. One good sign is that the brain, without any formula will fall at once into a passive condition as if automatically and remain still. But that can't be maintained long enough. The dog G[eorge] M[acNie] C[owie] remains on the watch over his own imaginary self. If the beast could only forget all about that for a moment, then———


Really the dog G.M.C. is not much more concerned about Brother Body's skin that F[iat] P[ax]. If there were nobody else to be hurt beyond himself, then the dog might fear little. Once, just to see if it could be done, he went rigorously without sold food for 8 days. Could have gone on comfortably but for pointed remarks about death's head appearance. Useful knowledge that starvation is not as dreadful as people suppose.


And than I possess The Elixir. The one you are so ignorant as to despise. It relates to the XXIst Key of the Tarot K.I [in Hebrew] and was revealed by the Lords of the Forces of Life. You can have some next time. The table shall be set. For Baal and Baphomet. Here is the Kaph-I: Here A lang lang spoon is near. They need it, do the dandies who sup Kaph with Baphomet!


