Correspondence from L. B. Yardley to Frank Bennett
"Baynards" Innes Street, Observatory, Johannesburg, 10th October, 1915.
Frank Bennett Esq The Truth Centre I.O.O.F. Temple Chambers, Elizabeth Street STDNEY N.S.W.
Dear Sir and Brother,
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 24th August last covering Oath of Allegiance and Money Order for £5/5/- for which I thank you.
Meanwhile I am to inform you that your letter above referred to is receiving the careful attention of the Council at an early date, copies of the Rituals are ready and the Charter and Diplomas are being prepared.
I shall in all probability write you again at an early date after your letter has been considered.
I shall indeed be glad to learn that my Very Illustrious Brother Sir Ernest W. T. Dunn has returned and is willing to assist you in your labours of organization.
By command of the SOVEREIGN GRAND MASTER, Orient of South Africa.
L. B. YARDLEY Sovereign Grand Secretary General