Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones




Given from the Sanctuary

of the Gnosis


AN XI, in 4°

[29 October 1915]



Very Illustrious Sir Knight and Very Dear Brother,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have come to the conclusion that you are a bold bad man, and therefore likely to do something in a bold bad world. I shall therefore talk more freely in the future. I might have conferred the Grand Star of Sirius or the Lyric Chain, but perhaps you'll like the talk better.


You are now a full VII° and a member of the Supreme Council of the O.T.O. I have not obligated you formally, but it is little more than an expansion of the obligation. However, there is a clause binding you vinculo [illegible]. It is important for you to know this. It is not a joke; it is essential. Next question: how do you do it? It's up to you to solve this. Here's a hint—Liber Legis Chapter 1, Verse 01, has what amounts to plain instruction. Here's a tip: if in peril of losing your virginity, use this mantra.


Vesta beata adsis, virgo da lampada nobis.

Det semen dominus terque quaterque suae.

Det semen flammam vitalem vimque deorum,

Omnia quae redeant, Vesta beata, tibi.


Keep this going, with your mind concentrated firmly on the meaning, whatever happens. Also it is most desirable to spin out any such practice as much as possible. I did over 4 hours on several occasions this last summer without any rest of any kind; this I call very good. Two hours is quite decent. Less than one hour is shameful. It is largely a matter of practice, like other things. If you are doing right, your physical [illegible], strength, and energy will be immensely increased; if wrong, you will be weak, tired, washed-out, and a wreck the following day, or perhaps the day after that. Bad results sometimes miss a day.


I feel that I am bound to write this much—it is by no means all—because of your remarks on the morning I left. I kind of owe you an apology. It startles, shocks, and wounds when a beloved disciple displays intelligence! But this kind of thing causes tremendous forces, and it is not fair to let you start on such lines without some guidance. You might get into a terrible mess. But you will be all right if you remember the great point that you are doing Magick, not amusing yourself, and keep absolute control over the body as well as its emotions. The duration is the best test of success. Fatigue should occur rather in the limbs than elsewhere.


In connexion with this, I would say Do not omit the daily sun-greetings (Liber ר), It is useful to keep continually formulating the link with the All-Father of our system.


I would also say: Do not try any such practice as I have been discussing with an unsuitable partner, or patient. (Of course you must not let this person know what you are doing magically, or why, unless an initiate of a higher grade than you have yourself technically at present.) The suitability is to be gauged by the robust health, vigorous cooperation, and intensity of desire on both sides. This desire must in your case be transformed completely, as per obligation. Do please remember that if you let yourself slip on this point you get into most frightful trouble!


Finally, keep a careful record of (1) the exact moment of the conclusion of the work (2) approximate duration (3) weather conditions (4) amount of light in the temple and its character (I rather believe in total darkness, but am not positive), (5) your estimate of the success of your working from an ordinary standpoint (6) the events following—not only whether you feel well and strong, etc., but things like White's storms, and in particular whether you feel your personality intensified, and your will more capable of overpowering others; note also their attitude to you: (7) anything else that seems to you pertinent. You should include a physical and moral description of the patient, noting especially the points indicated previously in this letter. Also make speculations as to what may be right or wrong, with suggestions for improvement; also try to discover further mysteries! This record should be made in a separate book, and kept very safe. (Need I say?) You should practice as often as possible, of course, though never forcing yourself. Better no record than a bad one. When you have made, say 21 practices, let me have a look, and perhaps I may talk some more.


I may say that I am decidedly overstepping the bounds of my commission in writing this at all; but it is a pleasure to find any one who does more than he need. Most people try to scrape through on as little as they can.


I must tell you more, too, about 'living in the sunlight,' which is our beloved Sister Hilarion's [Jeanne Foster] way of saying 'the way of the Tao.' I had hoped she would speak of it the other night, but she was shy. She taught it me, and from that hour my whole life has been transfigured. In material matters, even, all has suddenly gone well. It is difficult to explain; I will ask her to write to you about it. The main point seems to be the conception of yourself as a King—vide Liber CCXX Cap 11. It's damnably hard to explain, but it's merely a trick, like all great skill, perfectly easy once you find the way. The elements of struggle, worry, desire, must be eliminated.


Now I must tell you a far more important thing. I have got my AA grade which I didn't think possible to get in this life, and that, too, exactly at the time prophesied. Soror H.[ilarion] thinks, however, that it will be another year before that becomes fully manifest. Nevertheless, I must do my duty (Vide Liber I) and that is to preach my law. Therefore this is the Word of Baphomet to all the members of the O.T.O.




In opening Lodge in any grade the R.W.M. [Right Worshipful Master] as he opens the book, will say, Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. In closing, the second officer will say this before saying, I declare the Lodge closed accordingly.


In greeting any other person, even a stranger, this may and should be said, e.g., 'Pleased to make your acquaintance. Do what, etc.' If the person is one of us, let him reply: 'Love is the law, love under will.' This should be the regular morning greeting in a household: also at 'Good-night!' It is not obligatory, though it is desirable to make it a habit. It may be omitted to a Superior, if you are afraid (but why should a King have a superior or be afraid?) that he will think you mad. All letters, especially official O.T.O. or AA letters, should open with that sentence.


In conferring a grade, at the obligation, say, "Do what etc., I will, and do declare you a man and brother" or whatever it is. Also, closing, after FFF all add "The Word of the Law is Thelema." The phrase should also be employed on all solemn occasions of consent. This I have used in accepting a pupil, "Do what etc. I, So-and-So, will and do take thee, So-and-So, for my son (or daughter). He or she replies in the same terms using 'father' instead of son.


Repeat this for 'brother' and 'sister'. Repeat again for 'friend' and 'friend'. (You can raise the pupil, who is kneeling, at this, by the hand. Embrace for 'brother,' and kiss for 'friend.') All this preaching is of supreme AA importance. Observe that to revolutionize the world, as I am now about to do, one must not worry over individuals or details. One must take some very simple very deep word which cuts at the heart of things. Thus Buddha did not attack caste and so on; he just said "Anatta" and Hinduism crumbled at the touch. So Mohammed said "Allahu achad" and upset the whole show. I say Θελγμχ. Go on, therefore, preaching this and nothing else in season and out of season. You won't have to wait long for results. You must, however, be ready to explain that it does not mean surrendering to every whim, but the reverse. It involves finding out Who you are and Why you came into this world, and never swerving a hair's breadth from that Will. It's Ekâgata plus Gnana, more or less. But simpler.


Yours in the Bonds of the Order.


[Elevenfold Cross] Baphomet O.T.O




About this 'living in the sunlight', I ought to add that it involves making everybody in your sphere reflect your radiance. This is the measure of your success. If you have anybody about you miserable, it shows that your light is failing to penetrate. This primarily applies to the private life, and to the Lodge., but also to casual strangers. And remember, if you can do this, you can get away with robbery and murder! They won't care how strict you are; they'll all obey cheerfully without knowing that they are doing it. It will all be part of a glorious romp through life. I've not been a very striking success in the past, but in the last few months I've had a great teacher—not only precept, but example.


[Elevenfold Cross] B


