Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70. Vancouver. B.C.
Nov 1st. 1915 E.V. An XI. Sun in Scorpio
The Grand Master Baphomet. X° O.T.O. R.S.S. Ireland, Iona and all the Brittains.
Most Holy King, and very dear Brother,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your communication of An XI, Sun 4˚ Scorpio, safely in hand.
Thank you for your guidance and instruction. I shall study the whole matter very carefully, and do my best.
I can scarcely answer in any detail at the moment, as much though is required, and the mail will not wait: One or two points however. I have a very poor knowledge of Latin, is it possible to give me a literal translation so that there is no chance of making a mistake in the meaning?
As a Doctor who has for a long time retired into private life, I may have some difficulty in obtaining patients who are suffering in that particular way and at the same time are willing to be cured. There may be some difficulty about the consulting room also, but I suppose patience and perseverance will overcome these difficulties.
I don’t know how many records I shall eventually attempt to keep. At present there is the O.T.O. record, the M∴M∴M∴ record, the A∴A∴ record, a record of particulars with regard to Br[ethre]n, and this makes the fifth, to say nothing of keeping the accounts, and acting as secretary.
Please convey my salutations and greetings to our Sister H.[ilarion—Jeanne Foster] , and say I shall look forward to a letter from her on ‘Living in the sunlight’. The information will be a real help to a needy brother.
I may not be in a position to realize the importance of the news you give me about yourself. It is perhaps more fitting to congratulate the World, than you personally. I will simply say the news makes me very glad, and you will understand.
The change shall be made in Rituals etc. and your instructions conveyed to all members. I can readily say that such a covenant started all over the world, will have tremendous effect. I shall await results.
Enough for tonight, and till I get your new address.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Fraternally yours, in the Bonds of the Order,