Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70.

Vancouver. B.C.



Nov 1st, 1915. E.V.



An XI.

Sun in Scorpio.



Bro. Crowley O.T.O.

Palace Hotel.

San Francisco, Cal.



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!. I am overjoyed to receive your letters, for which, many thanks.


I will read your letter to the Br[ethre]n. in Lodge, to-morrow night; I know it will encourage them to fresh effort.


Never mind about the key, it was a spare one anyway.


I will type out the Exam Paper in readiness for Sister Smith; I expect Sister Skidmore [Catherine Skidmore] will also want one, as soon as she has had an opportunity to study the books more fully.


I saw Bickers, yesterday [Horace Sheridan-Bickers]. He mentioned the article you wanted printed, but said the World would not do so as they considered it a libel. He sent it to the Seattle P.I. and it was not returned, so he thinks they may print it. He proposes to give a Lecture one Sunday night at one of the Theatres, with a view to interesting new and suitable members.


I suppose my letter was a bit startling, but I think I caught the meaning of yours fairly correctly.


Thanks for the Grip of IV, I will certainly copy out the Ritual and ask about doubtful points. Meanwhile we shall be busy getting things prepared.


