Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70. Vancouver. B.C.
Nov 1st, 1915. E.V.
An XI. Sun in Scorpio.
Bro. Crowley X° O.T.O. Palace Hotel. San Francisco, Cal.
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!. I am overjoyed to receive your letters, for which, many thanks.
I will read your letter to the Br[ethre]n. in Lodge, to-morrow night; I know it will encourage them to fresh effort.
Never mind about the key, it was a spare one anyway.
I will type out the Exam Paper in readiness for Sister Smith; I expect Sister Skidmore [Catherine Skidmore] will also want one, as soon as she has had an opportunity to study the books more fully.
I saw Bickers, yesterday [Horace Sheridan-Bickers]. He mentioned the article you wanted printed, but said the World would not do so as they considered it a libel. He sent it to the Seattle P.I. and it was not returned, so he thinks they may print it. He proposes to give a Lecture one Sunday night at one of the Theatres, with a view to interesting new and suitable members.
I suppose my letter was a bit startling, but I think I caught the meaning of yours fairly correctly.
Thanks for the Grip of IV, I will certainly copy out the Ritual and ask about doubtful points. Meanwhile we shall be busy getting things prepared.