Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
Palace Hotel San Francisco
[4 November 1915]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
You can answer this letter here, if you write by return; otherwise wait for new address.
I put that key of yours somewhere safe & that's where it is! When it turns up I'll send it along.
I return exam. Now good till end of 1916. But if there are two candidates, they must not confer. In such a case, it is better to send for a new paper. I am very sad that Bickers [Horace Sheridan Bickers] has not written me, with the desired newspaper cutting.
Yes: I hope on another occasion there will not be such difficulty in getting the Officers together for the V°. I felt sure you would understand. It's not our fault, but Our misfortune. Better luck in a week or so, I hope!
You certainly seem to be moving, but part of your paragraph is a little startling. It sounds all right however.
The Grip of IV° is just the hands under the armpits. I thought that was explained in the ritual; if not, send me a copy & I'll go through it carefully.
The V.S.L. in the 4° is on the
Master's altar, open, with the
I've no Pledge Forms here.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order
[eleven-fold cross] Baphomet X° O.T.O.
P.S. I enclose a letter which you can read to the Lodge.
I suppose you could go travelling bye and bye, if finances made it possible. It seems you may be wanted in Portland, O[regon], or here, very soon.
By the way there is a man in V'[an]couver a maker of paper boxes, named Davies He knows a man here named J.W. Blair, & is said by the latter to be ready. You should dig him up, & corral him.