Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones




Palace Hotel

San Francisco



[Undated: circa 4 November 1915?]



Right Worshipful Master


I have reported on my visit of inspection to your lodge to this Most Sacred Majesty, who has been pleased to reply in terms of the warmest satisfaction and probation. If you continue at the present-rate, you will certainly establish a really powerful movement in a short time. Members are however asked to remember two things; firstly, that at the beginning of a movement it is incumbent on all to expect themselves to the utmost to bring in new members irrespective of any special aptitudes that they may seem to possess; it is for the higher authorities to discover such; in the meantime the Lodge needs numerical strength.


Secondly, the utmost pains must be taken to establish to the higher grades in as good working order as the lower; for it is important that as many as possible may be repositories of the more carefully guarded knowledge, especially in view of the present critical world-situation. Let members reflect too that their beloved master may himself be called away to establish branches in other parts of the country, so that they should see to it that his removal leads to no weakness. With this he solemnly bestows his paternal blessing in the name of the Secret Master!


Yours, R.[ight] W.[orshipful] Bro, in the Bonds of the Order


[eleven-fold Cross] Clifford [alias of Aleister Crowley] VII° O.T.O.


