Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
c/o Fifth Avenue Bank New York City
[circa December 1915]
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Re Liber עש [A'ash]. You misinterpreted my instruction; I wanted you to collate 370 with other writings hinting at the same thing. However, what you have done is very good, & I return MSS. with comments.
Oath of IV° penalty of having my skull sawn off and my brains exposed to the scorching rays of the sun. Is that what you want?
I don't know about the glasses I'll wire in a few days, & let you know.
A∴A∴ work. You can pass on Qabalah. Your trouble is not having got another person up to Zelator.
I congratulate Sister R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones]. Very sensible of you. With regard to this silly bug in your brain about 'having some definite object in view'—instead of sticking to the business in hand!—try it! Why not get more thunderstorms, or some cash or your IX°, of the love of Sister X.Y.Z.?
You can get ZXV from Cowie [George MacNie Cowie].
Very pleased to hear of Sister Skidmore's [Catherine Skidmore] kindness.
You should buy a CCXX for Lodge as soon as you can afford it.
Yours of Nov 28. Thanks. Yes; we had a splendid Chapter in Buffalo—and have been scared ever since lest we weren't properly tyled. But I believe all's well from now on.
Get into correspondence with Mrs. Beame about magick. Any subject will do to start on.
I can't understand your letter about portraits?. In my own case, with every inducement to have got one, and not the slightest wish to have any other during the last five months, my record tells me I have had 14. It seems quite a fatality. Never explain,; never apologize! (Bernard Shaw) See also The Sword of Song quoting as nearly impossible the well-known limerick
There was a young man of Nabal Who was fucking a Hottentot gal The girl said "You sluggard!" He said "You be buggered! If I want to fuck? slowly I shall!"
But anyhow the girl is a fool to
complain. She ought to experience the orgasm 10 or 15 times
at least to your once; otherwise she is simply unsatisfied.
A woman's pleasure-curve is like this
Tell White [Howard White] there's little hope of that book for the present. Of course you'll all hear.
Soror H.[ilarion] [Jeanne Foster] had to go away, but is due back to-morrow. She and I have both had very bad colds; I think magical colds, caused by my making an error in working. I was trying a rather big thing, & I fancy the current came back, or part of it.
Now it's 3.15 A.M. and as I was doing magick from 9 to 2, I think I'm a pretty decent sort of a holy guru! I hope I've answered all your questions. Send some more. Above all, collate the various writings similar to 370 and see if you can't find the often factors in the problem.
Keep on worrying the S.F. people and Wagner; don't insist too much on going there; excite their curiosity by nice gossipy letters.
Love is the law, Love under Will.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order
[eleven-fold Cross] Baphomet X° O.T.O.
P.S. Use your own judgment as to age of candidates. Puberty is the real qualification, of course.