Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
2 Dec. 15.
Care Frater
This is mail day and I enclose 3 fresh proofs that came this morning as also Hammond's [Benjamin Charles Hammond] letter. I can manage to pay the slaughtermen [printers] another installment or two till we hear from you, after that!? I was startled to find that I had overdrawn my account about £12 so that it was only my happening to have between £9 and 10 extra at end of Nov that saved the situation. I have not been confident of hearing from Dennes every morning and have not written to ask how things are as each letter I daresay means six and eightpence added to the bill. No other news.
The impression is growing on me that I have now the clue to the First Matter of the Stone and what the athanor is, so that I am re-reading Levi [Eliphas Levi] in a less exasperated way and can dispose of some of his 'blinds'. It is clear enough now why the Secret could not be communicated to the vulgar and so on, and further pondering may open the veil still more.
I will show compassion on you by making the letter mercifully short. I hope all is well and I remain, yours fraternally.
F[iat] P[ax]