Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





A petition to His Most Sacred Majesty the Supreme and Holy King ruling in Ireland Iona and all the Brittains, that is in the Sanctuary of the Gnosis.



Jan. 2nd 1916. E.V.



Most Holy, Most Illuminated and Most Worshipful Father and Very Dear Brother,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I now enclose some notes and queries on the books which seem to imply secrets similar to those in Liber 370. I shall no doubt come across others in the course of my studies. You were pleased to invite further questions, and will notice I have asked one or two.


I have appointed the new Officers for 1916, and my work as R.W.M. of Blue Lodge is now over. I hope to shortly have the L of P in shape and ready to start work.


We had a rather interesting time at New Year. Bro Holenberg was a Candidate to be Raised, we therefore met and performed the Ceremony at Midnight. The Lights flashed on, exactly at the stroke of the hour. This was followed by the installation of the Officers, and Br[ethre]n spent the rest of the night here. We had quite a good time.


Trusting I may hear from you again in the near future


With every good wish,


Fraternally, in the Bonds of the Order,


