Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
c/o Fifth Avenue Bank New York City
Jan 5, 1916. E.V.
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of the 27th arrived this morning.
Officers of IV° are same for L. of P.
W. of P.I. is Abaddon.
You are right about A∴A∴ work. You have to stop all the time to lug those bloody asses along. What do you suppose has broken my heart but that? You may be stuck for 20 years, or 20 incarnations. I don't care, and you mustn't. Read about that humming-bird again. But it is sublime, ain't it? Be glad you are a cog on such a Wheel!
Your magic is most encouraging. If you average 150 exp[erimen]ts a year for the next six years, there will be some data. But work hard to find out the rest of the secret. You have evidently quite unusual magic power; use it like hell. Use it to increase itself.
I am still in the throes of initiation. You saw me in a very good section. I was strong and happy. Since then there have been many shrewd blows on my sconce. I strongly suspect I may fail and die yet. However, I trust I don't show it.
Yes, and send VIIth Ms. for me to confirm. The 33rd knows nothing of all this.
Please send copies of (a) 0 to III rituals. (b) New instructions about the New Law. (c) formalities of address.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order.
[eleven-fold Cross] Baphomet X° O.T.O.
Soror H.[ilarion] [Jeanne Foster] sends her best greetings of fraternity.