Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70

Vancouver, BC



19/1/16 E.V.



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Your last two letters safely to hand—for which many thanks.


Am having the "Message" [Message of the Master Therion] mimeographed—I cannot afford printing and will distribute freely. I will send along the copy of Rituals etc as soon as I can get them. Enclosed is paper of formalities of address. Have been laid up with grippe last 4 or 5 days—just out of bed—feel very weak—but must try and get back to work tomorrow. Did a short practice for increase of magical power day before I got grippe—hope I did not go wrong somewhere. Thanks for news about AA—I don't mind a bit as long as I am useful somewhere the grade does not matter much—the perfection evidently lies in the ordered Harmony of the Whole.


Re your comments on my notes—I seem to have been touching on one or two points that are as you say above my exhalted grade—somehow I suppose I'll touch the spot. I guess I better get back to the way of the Tao and cease to strive—when it comes to me I'll let you know—meanwhile I shall be Comforted by the thought of the sardonic pleasure I am giving you.


Dede [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones] now walks around the house repeating the Hebrew alphabet, although she has not learnt the order and value of the English Alphabet yet (nor have I—she also asks after her Brother "Clittard" from time to time and wants him to come and see her again.


I take it that by New Instructions about the New Law you mean that part of a letter you wrote confirming my grade which gave the details of alterations in Rituals etc and tells of the way in which the Word of the Law is to be spread around. I will type New this and send it along.


I send 50 copies of Message [illegible].


[illegible], VII° [illegible]


