Correspondence from Frank Bennett to Aleister Crowley




O .T . O.





Emmett Street

North Sydney

New South Wales



January 27th 1916



Dear and Most Illustrious Aleister Crowley.


Now that we have established the MMM in Australia we shall be glad if you will grant us permission to work the AA also as we feel that it would help us a great deal in our labours generally, we trust that you will grant us the Authority asked.


Thanking you in anticipation,


Very sincerely and fraternally yours


Frank Bennett VII°



P.S. With regard to the fees will you kindly inform us what we shall charge and what proportion of same shall we remit to you.


P.P.S. I shall be glad if you will always in future address all communications as follows: c/o Brazilian Consulate General for the Commonwealth of Australia, 3 Spring St. Sydney, N.S.W. I desire this as it will always be a permanent address.



Most Illustrious Brother Crowley 33° 90° 96°

National Grand Master



