Correspondence from Frank Bennett to Aleister Crowley
O .T . O.
Culpi Emmett Street North Sydney New South Wales
January 27th 1916
Dear and Most Illustrious Aleister Crowley.
Attached I [am] sending you a copy of a letter that I have addressed to Very Illustrious Brother Yardley [L. B. Yardley] Grand Secretary General South Africa Union. In it you will note that I have made certain recommendations and suggestions in regard to the constitution of a Sovereign Grand Council and National Section in Australia. Now that we have the requisite number of members to enable us to do so. Also in respect to our Very Illustrious Brother Dunn [Ernest Dunn] 33° I do trust that you will endorse my recommendation in regard to him, for the reasons already met forth in the Official letter, and with the best interests of our beloved Order in view. In conclusion I beg to express the hope that we are now entering upon a new era of peace and prosperity, and that your health is of the best.
Very sincerely and fraternally yours
Frank Bennett VII°
Most Illustrious Brother Crowley 33° 90° 96° X° National Grand Master London.