Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones




c/o Fifth Avenue Bank

Fifth Avenue & 44, Street

New York City



Jan 27, 1916.



Sir Stansfeld Jones

Vancouver, B.C.



Very Illustrious Sir Knight and very dear Brother,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Many thanks for yours of January 19th with enclosures.


Please note with regard to the mimeograph, line nine, that there should be a dot to make the Omicron into a Theta.


On Page Two: Evangelii and Rosencreutz, not ntz.


On Page Three: quotation mark in front of the word unassuaged; Full stop after: floating in the blue.


On Page Four: motion, not emotion; comma after Nirvana.


On Page Five: line five, use a capital W for the word will, the first time it is used. Last line but two: damascened.


These corrections can easily be made with pen. With regard to the rituals, I only need 1 – 3. With regard to your grippe, I should not necessarily predicate a connection between that and your practice. However, it does occur, according to the lunatics who believe in this rubbish, that sometimes you get the exact contradictory of the desired result.


What you say about the AA is admirable. Please give my love to Dede [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones]. I wish I could tell her what she wants to know. At present the horizon is very black. With regard to the order and value of the English alphabet, suppose you look up Liber XXVII and see whether you can make any analogy between the 25 and the 27. With regard to the new instruction about the new law you have judged right: that is the letter I need. Thank you for the offer of copies of the Message; but do not trouble. I shall probably find time to make some additions, get it printed in an enlarged form, and send you some. The notepaper with order seal would however be very useful.


Sorry you had a bad spell in Lodge, but things always go wrong about this time of year. I congratulate you on the new candidates. The social efforts are admirable. I should keep this up very thoroughly. Remember that every new person you meet has got to be taken aside and dealt with in private, so that you know as soon as possible what, of anything, he is good for.


I hope you will feel better very soon. Probably by the time you get this you will be quite all right. All greetings from myself and Soror Hilarion [Jeanne Foster] to all the brethren.


Love is the Law, Love under Will.


Yours in the Bonds of the Order.


[eleven-fold Cross] Baphomet O.T.O


P.S. In the 1st line but one of page four there should be quotation marks before the word "Love"; on the third line of page five "if" should be "of".


