Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



[Undated: Possibly February 1916]



Re H [Benjamin Charles Hammond]. It was scandalous carelessness losing a M.S. entrusted to him and taking no notice of my letter about it. I enclose more than the postage so that he might also send me the Priapus book which I prefer to store here. Fortunately the Epistle was a duplicate. I am pounding away on a copy, on Little W. before the original leaves my possession, to guard against accidents. Althea [Althea Hobbs] will now be able to make copies which I shall send to S[outh] A[frica] etc at earliest possible. (Copy is nearly finished)


Hammond put himself on his honour to complete the steel blocks in six weeks from the time I was in London. If he fails I shall have nothing further to do with him. It's more weak slackishness than ill will, or I'd suggest putting him under duress.


