Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
c/o 5th Ave Bank N.Y. City
12 Feb 1916
V.[ery] I.[llustrious] Knight, and V.[ery] D.[ear][ther],
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
This is the 12th of February, and I have yours of the 2nd. 75c. duly received, though not requested.
V.I.V.I. Bro Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] is having the Message [Message of the Master Therion] printed. He will no doubt furnish you with many copies. This book, and an accompanying circular to put people who are impressed in touch with Us, must be sent out by tens of thousands.
As to Thisharb, why not mimeo it in part; verso 0, and then 6-end. Omit "Liber E" in v.8., and let the last par. of v.10 read "The present manifestation of the Master Therion is in the Path of Leo."
Always arrange for readers to get into personal touch with you.
You must not think that your troubles are, or will be, less than mine. This remark is not encouraging, I know. I have only half a dozen or so altogether who are to be relied on to work independently, and this after years of toil. I can always get people who will do miracles while under my eye: leave them for an hour, and they are found as Jesus found the I2 in Gethsemane, when he took 40 winks. There is much on this subject in 333!
I dare say weather has a lot to do with it, though; that, and bad general conditions. The only plan is to read Kipling's "If" from time to time, and act accordingly.
As to evening dress, it is a small matter. I thought it settled by making slits in the robes. It is an aesthetic question. Don't invoke Us; use sense and tact.
I can't send the Equinox ritual just now; no copyist, and no time to do it myself. Suppose you try your hand at inventing one. It is based on the G. D. [Golden Dawn] one printed in Eq[uino]x.
As to the further secret, I gave too great a hint in my last. I can do no more; you had better try the plan of Panurge, and consult the Oracle of the Bottle.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order,
[eleven-fold Cross] Baphomet X° O.T.O