Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
PO Box 70 Vanc. B.C.
Feb 23rd 1916
C∴[are] F∴[rater],
Do what etc—
I thank you very much for your last 3 letters; it is very good of you to write to me so often while all the time you are undergoing an ordeal compared with which my little difficulties are as nothing. I am not discouraged by your remarks on the further troubles I may expect; I have no doubt things are so arranged that as they come along we find a corresponding strength to meet and overcome them. I feel just now that things have taken a slight turn for the better as regards the Lodge; there is a more settled feeling again.
The IV° Ritual does not state the manner of preparation of Candidate, but I understand the usual R∴A∴ method is blindfolded, both knees bare, and both heels slipshod—please confirm this.
I shall soon be accused (and rightly) of being among that number who advance wordy theories and end there. I don't want this to be so. "economy" seems to be the key note of the first. You appear to imply either that I already know, but need practice in order to know. I must reconstruct my theory, it seems now I must decide between two others
(1) That the semen is retained in the body and the force of it used for some interior process such as III method of Liber H.H.H.. or (2) That the semen is discharged and again drawn back into the body by some process. The former idea or perhaps No. 1 may be the ideal and No. 2 an alternative in case of making a slip.
I base No. 1 idea on the following points.
(A) You mentioned during conversation or [illegible] that the ideal had always been to store up the force but no one had said how it might be done.
(B) There seems from
(observations during practices) that a sort of "sealed"
feeling in
(C) That you said the Oath of Chastity has to be taken seriously, and pure a mantra for [illegible] of no danger on the other hand, re: (2)
(A) You distinctly mention a discharge of semen in one or two instances. (B) The [illegible] mantra mentions a return. (C) The [illegible] implies some such process. (D) Your letter rather hints at it as immediately after the mention of "economy" you talk of lending and of a coming back [illegible] etc. (I think I am wandered in between a [illegible] to tell me not to "change the subject with out due [illegible]" immediately afterwards.
I shall look forward to another letter from you in the near future.
Bro∴ White [Howard White] asked me to say that he is much interested in your forthcoming book on astrology and will you please let us know the name of publisher [illegible] as soon as same is put on the market.
All the best wishes.
Please remember me to Soror H.[ilarion - Jeanne Foster].
Fraternally in the bonds of the Order.