Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
Feb 29. [1916]
Care Frater
Just the usual scribble before mail time. Formal letter written yesterday enclosed. No letter this morning from you and I was rather expecting a slating. It suddenly dawned on me that I should not have left out Do what thou wilt etc in cap[ital]s on the Message [The Message of the Master Therion]. I had it l[ittle] c[aps] all right on the first proof but it struck me somehow that it would look more imposing and effective in cap[ital]s: and that it was not a question of the original M.S., it was permissible. I dunno however, and it's worried me. I can 'scrap' the stock not sent out, and get back what's possible, if you think it really matters. It did not occur, in a clear way, at first that it was an historical document I had the first sending out of, and I wished I had waited for you to pass a proof definitely. Shall be relieved if in this case it doesn't greatly matter. However, the stereo is easily alterable for the next edition. I've sent Hobbs enough to meet B and H's claims. As I had to break into capital in any case, I am able to enclose £5 in advance of next quarters rent—when I can repay myself, I will try to send you £5 at least each month regularly. The trouble with the next quarter is as usual the interest on the £900 [mortgage on Boleskine]—due six weeks after.
I may have something interesting to tell you in the way of alchemy soon, at present it is not definite enough and I might have to let it drop.
I'm writing just to catch the mail. I'm ever so busy in every way. No further news from London. I'm waiting to hear from MD [Mary Davies] and then I'll try and poke up Hammond [Benjamin Charles Hammond] again. Your last letter enlightened me a good deal as to what had really been happening to you in America and as to why you were sent there. It will be fine to read your record, one day. Of course you'll come through all right.
Ever fraternally.
F[iat] P[ax]