Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Frank Bennett
21 March 1916.
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Just time for a few notes. The enclosure from MD [Mary Davies] should interest you. I don't know anything about Wedgwood [James Ingall Wedgwood], but I suppose he's the man you mentioned as having been used as Mrs Besant's [Annie Besant] tool, to try and get control of FreeMasonry. Now that wooden headed pawn is a block head of a Bishop?
I don't know about the Regent Street idea, unless someone can guarantee the rent. I'm afraid to take more on, after all, the sticks have remained safe where they are—and I doubt if the two or three brethren she mentions would justify extra expenditure. It requires consideration.
There is a regrettable absence of response still. The only fresh reply is from an illiterate III degree, Arthur Olney, who sends £1 to 'defy' (sic. Good Word) expenses. He thinks the 'Message' [Message of the Master Therion] very 'ful of logic' but flatly refuses to hand copies round. I suppose the 'Pastoral' will have a good effect and make 'em less shy.
Report from Boleskine, through W and W [Williamson & Watt], that rain has got in and damaged the tenant's paper etc. We liable! But this is from Frasers. W and W sent down the other man and he says the rooms affected are on the ground floor and the felted roof is sound. Two feet of snow in Boleskine just now.
No letter from you since the 25th tho' I may find one this evening. There's a stupid letter of Horton's in the Occult Review this month. (Herewith) I am trying to concoct a reply, with the view of getting into touch with Shirley [Ralph Shirley]. I am informing him that he is quite free to comment on or quote from the 'Message' in the Review. If we had money it would be quite good to pay for it as an inset. Haven't another minute, these notes dispose of a few matters meantime.
All good wishes.
F[iat] P[ax]