Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



17 March [1916]



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I've at last heard from Hammond [Benjamin Charles Hammond]. I enclose the letter so that you'll see just how things stand. What puzzles me is why he won't send proofs of what he has done already cut, to be forwarded to you. He said some time ago that he needed a press that would cost £30. I wasn't taking that on. The book he wants is I suppose Payne Knight's Priapus? He might have asked for it sooner. I'll ask Hobbs to try and get hold of it next time she goes. I am going to fall in with his idea about a house. I think it is just what is wanted. If we can get a house for about £30 or 35 I'd agree.


I've also heard from Stansfield Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones]. He wants more aprons! But as this time he sends a precise description and I have the stuffs by me, it's less trouble. I will enclose 50 'Messages' [Message of the Master Therion] as it's all one job, but they must really print their own supplies, no matter tho' they haven't got a ha'penny amongst them as he hints re other matters.


Grand, if we can seal the Buddha etc: I'll do my best to be diplomatic and a Jew, tho' neither is my strong suit. It's interesting about the D's mistress tho' I don't catch on exactly who you are referring to. I've been intending to write to Brodie Innes [J.W. Brodie-Innes], not that I know him, he ought to be with us, and the 'Message' may be a means. Same with Ralph Shirley. I haven't sent that letter as I couldn't get it to my satisfaction, for want of time. But that was only an excuse for trying to get into touch with him.


Your letter of the 2nd came this morning—it was curious that it answered queries to things I had almost forgotten about (the Buddha etc) so long past they seem, and only January 25. Glad you don't slate the circular [Message of the Master Therion]—I was doubtful, being staggered at the lack of response. But next week (Eq[uinox]) may see a difference. I have the letters about ready to send out as soon as Sol enters Aries.


This scribble in my lunch hour is all I've time for, but I've touched, I think all the points needed at present. No further word from Mary [Mary Davies]. I want to know if you got those £5 notes, 3, one after another, as it's a bit risky, I'm afraid, when letters are liable to be opened. None in this one! But




F[iat] P[ax]


