Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





PO Box 70

Vancouver B.C.



March 30th 1916. E.V.



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Thank you for the Word of the Equinox. As I understand it, this word represents the key note for the coming six months. It seems to be of a somewhat different character from the last.


I did not undertake any ceremony at the time, perhaps you will be able to let me have the ritual for Sept next. The only thing I did was to make an intentional guess at its on the 21st—I got Babalon.


I have been thinking deeply of what you said about there being a higher and lower form of the Work and your warning not to confuse the two. You told me then that Liber Chesh referred to the higher—the Real thing. Now I may have made the mistake of not taking the higher side into consideration enough. I feel that I am in a strange position—nothing unusual for the pilgrim I suppose.


I don't seem to have got anything left to hold on to—there is a dull ache inside somewhere most of the time though I keep going and apparently cheerful. This new central idea of the VII° has turned them upside-down a bit and it is difficult to re-adjust them although when they are adjusted there seems some chance of a system.


I want to find

     How to synthesize the ideas of the and .


How and in what way is Babalon and Baphomet is a measure of Heaven and Earth.


How to arouse the Kundalini during practice.


Whether the Beast enters as well into the problem


How does the [illegible] apply in the case of woman—where does woman come in for her power of Man!


How the s . . . . of the woman affects the operation etc etc.


I don't expect you to answer these questions—I know I must find out for myself: but tell one—what is this intolerable [illegible] that knows me—Is it part of an [illegible]? How can I crush out the ego idea and become free to work and to be useful.


Why do I keep on? I ask myself and the only answer seems to be that I keep on because it is the only thing that is—I am drawn along on the Path more than anything else—only there doesn't seem to be a Path any more.


Well I feel better for having expressed myself in some way.


Love is the law, love under will.


