Correspondence from Miss Hobbs to George MacNie Cowie






88 Albion Road,

Stoke Newington.



4 April 1916.



I was wondering about the large Ivory Cross stored away with the things. Perhaps Clarke could have that too? . . . I am just off to see him again and to try and negotiate for the Buddha. What a dear little picture blot you made! I think you are wonderful: you seem to be an Adept at most things.


The following is the list of goods held by Sutton [a pawnbroker] against a loan of £15.


Plated tea urn, Silver tea pot, Silver milk jug, Silver sugar basin, Silver cigar box. 2 pairs plated candle sticks, Gold seal Crucifix: 3 bottle spirit cabinet: Kodak camera; Pair top boots. All in large kit bag.


Loan is dated 8/5/15 and interest due 8/4/16 was £2-i-3.


