Correspondence from Miss Hobbs to George MacNie Cowie
88 Albion Road, Stoke Newington.
6 April 1916.
Dear Mr Cowie.
I enclose Sutton's [a pawnbroker] account of the goods being held by him. I believe I have already explained to him that we cannot supply the old deposit note. I believe that must be among Mr Crowley's papers somewhere or else he has it with him in America.
Mr Clarke says he could not offer more than £25 for 'the Quannion' Ivory. He says he has one now in better condition than Mr Crowley's which he would dispose of for £30. He was rather staggered at the £100 suggestion, and his opinion was that no one would give that in England. There is no very good report as regards the Buddha either. The gentleman (an American) who was interested in it has now returned to America, so that is 'off' for the time being. What about the small 'ivory Buddha'—Mr Clarke does not appear to have it. Is it in the stock at the Depositary. While I was there I thought I might as well ask as to the value of the large Crucifix which was in the Studio. Do you remember it? He said, however, the best thing to do with it would be to put it into a Christie's sale—if you wanted to dispose of it.
. . . I will see about the packing and sending off A.C.'s things—truly a wicked grandmotherly act!!
Goodbye for the time,