Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





New York City



April 14th 1916.



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your guess at the word was not so bad, since this is merely the feminine form of it. With regard to the work I do not think you are far wrong. Your description of your state is very recognizable, to say the least of it. You should rejoice therein. It is the dark night of the soul, and Kephra keeps on moving. The central idea of the Seventh Degree should orient you. Why, man, the one thing it does is to give you a centre for your wheel to spin on. I am myself much puzzled about harmonizing Sol and Phi. The figure of the Microcosm in Book IV is one attempt (part II, facing page 22) But the letter Theta is very near. The symbol of the point within the circle stands for either, and this letter referring to the Lion. That animal is a symbol of both. I think this perhaps partly what Zoroaster means—see his article quoted Equinox II, page 42.


As to your second question: you must compare the figure of the Microcosm already referred to with the images of Baphomet in Payne Knight, and you must read "The Canon", if you can get a copy. It does not really matter very much; it's a sort of geometrical Qabalah.


Your third question is rather large. If you can rouse Kundalini you have done the trick. All magical methods are merely methods of arousing Kundalini.


Your fourth question about the breath I cannot answer. I have no information on the matter, and have made no experiments.


Your fifth question appears not to concern you at present, since you are not a woman.


Your sixth question is well worthy your consideration.


Your general remarks are excellent. That you fell in this way shows that you have got the 'clutch in' as they say in Detroit. However, write to me frequently, and let me know how you are getting on.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,


Baphomet.  O.T.O.



P.S. My old invitation seems to be going ahead at last.


