Correspondence from L. B. Yardley to Frank Bennett




O .T . O.





Innes Street,





2nd May, 1916.



Frank Bennett, Esq.,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Dear Sir and Very Illustrious Brother,


I am directed to inform you that the S.G.M.G. of this Section has been notified by BAPHOMET , that it is intended to make certain revisions in the Blue Lodge Rituals. Under these circumstances it would be as well not to embark on any printing scheme for the present. You are also instructed to substitute the Hiramic Legend for the Osirian in the III°. I enclose your copy of the necessary substitution.


I also enclose your copy of the Installation Ceremony for Wor: Masters, which is also a substitution. As regards the Installed Masters Degree you will simply open by virtue of the powers of your office and confer the secrets closing down to III° again in like manner.


As you may not have received a copy of The Message of the Master Therion I enclose a few copies. The utmost publicity should be given to this document.


By the Command of the Sovereign Grand Master General

For the Union of South Africa.






P.S. You are to use the formula at top hereof on all your letters. Matrices of the Message have been received from which types are being made. The matrices will thereafter be sent to you from which you can also have types made. Alteration of any kind in this Message and the style of printing same is absolutely forbidden.


I also enclose copy of the Pastoral of Therion which together with the Message you must read in the open Lodge at your next meeting. You should have the Pastoral copied and distributed to your members. L.B.Y.


