Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones




2619 Woodley Place

Washington D C



May 8, 1916



Sir Stansfeld Jones,

P.O. Box 70,

Vancouver, B.C.



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Max Heindl is an absolute fraud who knows practically nothing; what he does know he knows wrong. The figure you send gives me an impression of extreme evil. I can't tell you why; it's purely an impression and I ought to be able to tell you why, because I once passed an examination in the Qabalah, but I can't. I think it is possibly the pot-belly, and possibly also that I have an idea that every line in a unicursal figure should be equal to every other line, and also that unicursal figures should be capable of dextrorotary description, that is when they are closed figures. You can describe a hexagram unicursally, but the result is altogether evil. I draw one for you on the margin,


and you will see that it is the figure of the same class as the one you draw.


Love is the Law, Love under will.




In the bonds of the Order,


[eleven-fold cross] Baphomet O.T.O.


