Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70 Vancouver B.C.
May 11th 1916. E.V. An XII Sun in Taurus
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Yours of May 4th duly to hand, for which many thanks. I am sorry to hear that your idea of camping has fallen through, but it was very nice of you to think of us and we should have been so pleased had you decided to come. I hope you will have a good time during your holiday, and a real rest.
As you say, we must expect set-backs with regard to the Lodge; we refuse to be discouraged, however. Sometime we shall start another further down the coast, I am greatly of the opinion that this City is by no means the best, although we may have to make the best of it for the time being.
I am enclosing that silly record, since you insist, but am convinced it is entirely valueless. As far as I can make out the conditions which prevented me from sending it before, no longer exist for the moment. There have been no signs, this end.
I have not much to report with regard to my special work, but shall be glad to hear anything you have to say on the matter, when you have time.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally, in the Bonds of the Order.