Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



25 May. [1916]



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have your letter of the 10th this morning, and I fancy there's a mail this afternoon if I can complete this letter in time. I am very glad to have yours as I wondered if the emergency were awkward. It might have been that your subtle jocosity had landed you in trouble with the un-humourous. I will be anxious till the next letter to learn that there was no hitch about the money. I had to assume that being in Washington you'd have left your address at the Cable office or would call for a reply. There is no need for apology, this being an occasion on which we can cheerfully take an axe and bisect the Last bob, brotherly. The only bother is Maivers account, but by the time it comes in again, doubled, I should be able to meet it and before July I may be able to send you 10 so that you will have an . . .


[The remainder of the letter is missing.]


