Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
May 28th 1916 E.V.
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Yours of 21st inst. to hand with Enclosure. I have carefully noted all that you say and I thank you for your remarks.
I am now convinced that the second half of the formula can be expressed as follows:
Having filled the Cup one must drink it to the dregs, or in the words of Liber 66 "Verse 50." "Thou shalt replenish. ." . . . etc. In other words, In order to Succeed one must Succeed.
I foresee some trouble before I am through with this business, the excessive limitations have to be broken through somehow. It is very difficult to get oneself (and others) out of ruts. I guess it can be done though.
Your Initiation seems to be lasting a very long time, I surmise it will go on till next October or thereabouts?
I will write again as soon as I have anything further to report.
Fraternally, in the Bonds of the Order