Correspondence from Frank Bennett to George MacNie Cowie




O .T . O.




c/o Brazilian Consulate General

Sydney N.S.W.



June 17th 1916



Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Dear Sir and Very Illustrious Brother.


Your letter dated 2nd May last has reached us.


re Blue Lodge:—We note that it is intended to make certain alterations in respect to Rituals, and we shall not put anything into print until you advise us. We also [note] the substitution of the Hiramic Legend, for the Osirian in the II°.


2. Installation Ceremony:—We acknowledge the receipt of copy of Installation Ceremony together with remarks regarding, the working.


3. Message of the Master Therion:—We thank you for the copies of this that you enclosed.


4. Formula:—We also note that the formula (Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law) shall in future always appear at the top of our letters, and that you will send us the Matrices of the Message after you have finished with them.


5. Copy of the Pastoral of Therion:—You say that you are enclosing this, but we cannot see it among the papers so presume that you have inadvertently omitted to enclose it, we shall be glad to receive it when you are next corresponding with us.


Yours faithfully & fraternally



Frank Bennett VII° O.T.O.

Grand Secretary General for Australasia.




National Grand Master General



Very Ill L.B. Yardley VII°

Sovereign Grand Secretary General

For the Union of South Africa


