Correspondence from Leila Waddell to Ernest Dunn
c/o Thomas Cook 245 Broadway, New York City
June 19th 1916
V.J. Brodunn [H.H. Bro Dunn] c/o Sir George M. Cowie 14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Very Illustrious Sir Knight and Very Dear Brother—
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
It has been proposed that our Most Holy, Most Illuminated and Most Illustrious Father should visit the Lodges which have been established by His authority in the various Colonies which ornament His Crown.
It cannot but gladden you to think that this is possible, and His presence would also be most useful to you in overseeing the actual working of your Lodges, while it might also be possible for Him to gain new adherents for the Order by speaking in public or private.
Our Father being firm in His resolution never to accept money from any source connected with His work for the Order, it will devolve upon the Lodges concerned to furnish His expenses and if you are disposed to arrange for this, it will be well. It is not necessary to do more than to take a first-class passage, or send funds to that amount, with an allowance of £1 per diem, during the journey.
It is possible that our Father would be able to leave by about Christmas, but a cable should be sent as soon as you arrive at a decision, so that arrangements may be made accordingly.
Love is the law, love under will.