Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Sanctuary of the Gnosis
June 29th 1916 E.V.
To His Most Sacred Majesty Baphomet X° Ireland Iona and all the Britains
Very Dear Brother.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I phoned you this afternoon to thank you for the perfect trust you have placed in me during this very wonderful and eventful pursuit. I have, as I said, much news but it will take some time to collect the various records and to write up my own experiences; in fact much must be left until we meet and can go into matters fully.
For the moment however I will try and give you some of the main points.
During my Initiation I have obtained a full and complete knowledge and understanding of the A∴A∴ System and have atoned for this apparent wrong of the beginning, for lack of trust, thus taking up the grade of Neophyte of the A∴A∴ and retaining my original Motto of Unis in Omnibus. As such I have proved the Law of the Master and applied myself to the Only True Order. The methods of the Old Aeon having been mastered in every detail. I was justly entitled to accept the [illegible] as your representative for this Dominion of Canada the Certificate of which I sent yesterday. This came to me at a time when I had just spent the last cent that remained on Candy for Dede [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones]. I have relinquished my position at the B.C. Electric Co. in favour of Bro. White [Howard White], who will not be in charge of the Lodge as I was. I have, under this guidance been able to withstand wild temptation and to keep the Will [illegible] of purpose throughout. At the same time five of the faithful Bro∴ have [illegible] the Rose Cross by their own rights. The remaining having been [illegible] and without the slightest knowledge of the Rituals or their part (one was not a member of O.T.O. or A∴A∴)
One of these has come to the VII° and two others are on the verge of doing so—There will then be a proper Supreme Council for Canada.
I have used the Supreme Secret three times ([illegible] the right to it).
Once—Is drink of a poisoned Cup.
Once—to prove that a prostitute who desires to become a virgin was better than a virgin who desired to be a prostitute.
Once to prove that pure will, in [illegible] of purpose, deliver from the best of [illegible] was in every way [illegible].
I do not think there will ever be needs to limit that formula by trying for any Special object—that remains to be proven for I have no fear.
I have proved the continuity of [illegible by Our Lady Nuit—so there is little to worry over. Also to-day I have Lived in the Sunlight and shall continue to do so.
I am going to sever the [illegible] around the 15 July—as they need me—I have been on my holidays all this time—now I go back next Monday. Since I feel that I cannot take their pay for this little service I shall turn it over for a little Banquet for the staff of the Dept. I worked in. After July 15 I should be free to open up the Work in current.
Love is the law, love under will.
In the Bonds of the Order,
[eleven-fold cross] Jones