Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
[19 July 1916]
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I now have your notes. It is all very satisfactory in its way, and pretty clear. There are still dark spots, however; e.g. is C.C. Charles Chaplin? I am glad I prophesized of you 3 ½ years ago. I'll make notes as I go on.
Feb 6, 1907. Didn't know this. Interesting for symbolic reasons—156. Name Ruby significant too; is this then a general formula?
Oct 12 1912. H.[oly] G.[uardian] A.[ngel]? You have H.G.H. which I don't understand.
May 28 1916. Technically R. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones]. should present K to you. See Liber 418. [The Vision and the Voice]
June 16th. Many thanks: I think this was the case that I was stuck.
June 19th. Perhaps message should be further traced. How did you get it?
June 21. How does Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] come to kiss you? This entry is all very puzzling. Why should R. come to record time just at that time?
June 22. How do you become H.G.H. to any one? H.G.A. don't explain this entry.
June 23. See general criticism later.
June 24. City of Sun?
11.37. Don't quite follow allusion Flood = Binah?
12.15. ???
B of C ???
June 29th. Path of Aleph ?????
11.30. What new meaning?
July 9th. Quite unintelligible.
Now I think this as all right as far as it goes, and any how it's your funeral. But I'm not satisfied about path of Aleph and such things. It's true that as 8º=3o one gets a sort of look round at the Supernal Triad, but it can only be a glimpse. (Then suddenly you take 1º=10o all over again—I don't follow.)
In any case, most real initiations are multiplex. You get through on one plane, and take the other planes later. For example, despite many miracles performed to order, I feel very shakey about my 6º=5o. The damned thing depends on confidence too! I have not yet worked out the limitations of these powers in the same scientific was as I have done in regard to Samadhi. Now don't try to get ahead too fast. I see nothing in your record equivalent to the Abramelin work, and you have only a beastly thunderstorm or so in the 6º=5o work. Also there seem no understandable communications from Beyond the Abyss—I mean in the way that LXV or VII is. I'm a cautious kind of a bloke in my calmer moments. This 9º=2o business is dreadful. You see, the proof of the grade is not due for centuries! That proof consists in my having made an impression on humanity comparable to that made by Buddha and the rest.
You will presumably be my magical heir; so I may presently write out my magical Will and Testament, and send you a copy. I would do it now, but have no creative instinct at all these days.
I expect to summon a conventicle of the Brethren for midnight Dec 31, 1917 or some such date at some proper spot. Observe, we have to get Eq[uino]x III going in 1919 E.V. I am preparing the contents all this time. Which reminds me you should write to Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller] (who is now Staff-Major and at Salonica I'm told) and tell him how things are. If you put John Charles Frederick Fuller in full c/o War Office, I guess he'll get it.
You should expand your record to some 10,000 words, incorporating the records of the other B[lessed] B[rethren] as best you may, and put the whole thing into literary form, intelligible to the average Practicus, or if possible even to the p.b. Neophyte.
You should not declare your 8º=3o to people; nay, not by any means. My own position is quite peculiar. I was picked out for my literary ability, and told to put everything down in plain English, in view of such a catastrophe to civilization as has now occurred. (There's more coming.) I published not a word on magick until 1907 (Konx Om Pax.) At that time I had already been offered 8º=3o, and had the Ring of the Masters. (No one is to know I have this, by the way) So to each Probationer you are only a Neophyte; to each Neophyte only a Zelator; and so on.
Of course no one is to know anything of O.T.O. work beyond his grade. In particular, guard against the unworthy guessing any ϕ-implications in the teaching. Your IX° partners must not know what you are after. (When you visit other IX°s, by the way, you are entitled to a portion of hospitality, such as an holy House to shelter your Venerable Head.)
To revert to A∴A∴; you know, I take it, what those letters stand for. Tell me.
You need a robe of royal blue,
lined scarlet, usual Tau sleeves, hood. On breast, the eye
within the rayed triangle; in gold; on the hood—which is
eyeless—a symbol
Love is the law, love under will.
Θ 9º=2o