Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Sanctuary of the Gnosis
July 3rd 1916 E.V.
To the Master Θphion
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Your letter just to hand. I was indeed glad to hear from you.
Yes, I did claim the grade of 8º=3o knowing full well that I must be prepared for the consequences of failure but I trusted Them implicitly and They never fail. I was also aware of the tremendous debt that I owed to the One who has with undying patience led me and guided me for these many moons and I was prepared to pay that debt to the utmost. I think Brother that I was possibly the only one who absolutely trusted you in spite of the Curse of the Grade of 9º=2o I may be at fault in this idea—but I don't see how I can be in the light of certain events. In any case I was, and am convinced of your absolute trust in me and you no doubt received a wire to that effect.
However important the 8º=3o affair may have been it seems to becomes insignificant compared with the very extraordinary events that followed. You see there has been no question of visions about the whole affair but an actual living of the various stages and an actual effect on the whole surroundings ever since. That is to say that not only have the few people in the Lodge been drawn into the matter opposed through [illegible] but the whole of the four days [illegible] as well because part of the [illegible] and everything from first to last has worked out in the minutest detail and with a [illegible] hitch.
I am as a matter of fact certain that we need a new Lodge for Canada—and we need Branches all over the place. I am going to prepare to establish them the moment the way is clear.
There are many such purely business details that must be understood and arranged and all that will take time I suppose. We shall also have to have this little Lodge entirely on its feet and able to take care of itself—firmly established—with population.
The experiences which certain of the B[lessed] b[rethren] have been through should go a long way towards making this Center a solid rock on which to build a larger edifice.
Enough for tonight, before I talk any more I must await any further letters from you that may arise out of the other telegrams I sent and my last letter.
Love is the law, love under will.
In the Bonds of the Order,
Unus in Omnibus.