Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70 Vanc. B.C.
6.10 p.m. July 6 1916 E.V.
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I am glad you got the other wires through without the Censor putting you to any inconveniences on my account: at the same time you are probably right in saying that the $5.00 might have been better expended. However I am quite satisfied, if you are.
I think that in all probability my recent letters will help a good deal to explain matters. I shall not forget my obligation.
The whole matter would be comparatively easily explained by the fact of a Samahdi such as you suggest and I myself should prepare some such explanation were it not for the fact that I have been unable to trace any violent or sudden features such as you mention, nor have I—or those who have been with me throughout—been able to detect any unbalanced condition of mind. The perfect simplicity and lucidity of the whole thing seems to disprove a statement of that sort.
With regard to the £5000, I have no doubt that this will come along at the right time and I may quote your own words "If it is the right thing, delay won't hurt it"
Your advice about sitting still and refusing to do anything, is good. I was really working on it when I sent the final telegram about the Stele, which may be interpreted, for all practical purposes as an invitation to visit the Lodge during your projected world-tour so that we can talk things out in detail before you leave this part of the world.
(N.B. In order to make IVH read ill ordered house, transpose I and signature)
I shall hope to hear from you in a more cheerful state next time.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order
P.S. My projected IX° partner is away for a month or so—I am sitting still and awaiting her return before making a proper start.