Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70.

Vancouver B.C.



An XII. Sun in Cancer

July 10th 1916 E.V.



Care Frater, M.M. M.I. and D.D. Brother,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I expect I shall get a line from you in the course of the next few mails, but mean-while there are one or two little points that have occurred to me, and which might as well be discussed.


Everything is really well, that is to say all outward assurance, if anything, more natural and normal; at the same time arising, so that the events of many years are one after another taking their place as they arise once more in the memory, filling in as it were the details of the picture, which was at first only outlines.


With regard to the question of Mottos etc., the matter has now become clearer and I find that they were right as I originally used them, viz: Unus in Omnibus with no specified Grade attached, Achad = Neophyte of AA and refers to the Sephiroth into which our Brother is reflected in the outer, as to the inner he is reflected into the Path of Vau or Gemini (The nature of his work will now be clear, and especially re. Vau he seems to have a ticklish job.) In reference to the IX° name I should prefer to take that of Parsifal if that does not conflict with any of the other Br[ethre]n. Please let me know about this.


We have today received a big package of the Message of the Master Therion from the printers in Edinburg, which we shall try and make good use of. With regard to that same Message, I have now had the pleasure of reading it, or hearing it, at three stages. Before entering the Abyss, while passing the Abyss, and from the Other side of the Abyss. Now it seems to me, from the latter point of view, that the whole thing is written in the simplest language and that it should now indeed be perfectly simple for everybody to understand etc but my memory of how it looked from the other side is also perfectly clear and my observation from the grade of 1=10 also tells me that to the 'man in the street' it is probably as unintelligible as if it were in Coptic. The point of interest here, seems to be this, that though the Master in the Grade of 9=2 no doubt sees both its Truth and Falsehood perfectly, yet, since it was written after He Passed the Abyss, He cannot (possibly) see it in the light in which it would have appeared before. Is it possible the Servant may be useful here?


By the way, you don't know how pleased I am to be able to see things a bit more clearly, and so really do something for the Lodge Members and others here. I have always wanted to, you know, and now that as soon as I get into touch with anyone, I seem to contact him and sort out the little things he wants to know, and is at the same time blind to because of the fog he creates while he's puffing around looking in the wrong place, it's a real joy to notice how a little bit of real Brotherhood cheers them up.


I guess I've written enough this time, Does my pulse seem a bit more normal, Doctor.


Love is the Law, Love under Will,


Fraternally, in the Bonds of the Order,


