Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
[12 July 1916]
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of July 6 to hand.
Some people—the most highly favoured, maybe—seem to get Samahdi in the way you describe. It's difficult to argue such a point; we must judge by the results. If you become a super-efficient genius, I ask no more.
I am indeed cheerful. An hour ago I was in the depths of despair, wondering if I was any good for anything any more etc. Then a globe of fire struck within a few inches of my feet, one spark leaping to the middle finger of my left hand a particularly sacred finger, by the way. Cf Eq[uino]x IIII. 116. note. I had actually been struck by lightning before, on a mountain in Cumberland. As far as I can see, no damage to the house was done. Anyhow, this is a clear message that I'm going through with this Initiation.
Love is the Law, Love under Will
Fraternally yours,
P.S. At the beginning of the storm a father, mother and child had taken shelter under my roof—which rather completes the omen. (I was in the next room—they thought a bomb had burst.)