Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70

Vanc. B.C.





[16 July 1916]



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Your long and very cheering and interesting letter to hand. I think that I had better wait until I have answers to my other letters, which will make things clearer still. Everything seems to be working out much as foreseen.


I got quite a clear understanding of the cross correspondence between the grades of AA during Initiation—and I fancy although I have not seen Rituals of O.T.O. but the I° foreshadows X – II – IX and so on in a sounder way.


Re Motto V.I.O.O.I.V. answers the purpose to the fullest extent as far as I can see, and I don't think, my last letter showed that clearly. There are seven ways of arranging the letters I already know of



Also letters suggest Holy Triad etc.


I am so glad to find that the taking of 8º=3o really removed a bar to your 9º=2o though I don't quite see how everything will eventually stand; and the others are certainly not all through yet.


Re O.T.O. all I want is to be useful and if someone is really needed to tie red tape etc I have been used to office drudgery for last 52 years and same has now become quite as pleasant as any other course of action. If They see fit to arrange the matter it may be that it would solve a lot of difficulties providing R. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] and D. [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones] can get enough to eat.


As a matter of fact I think my funds will leave me so that I either accept what others provide or again take on some simple occupation to support my little family. At any rate I have no intention of using any Power that I may—or may not be in possession of unless that course is clearly open to me.


(Dede says she sends her love and lots of kisses XXX) Your own state is very interesting—I am glad you told me—it clears up much.


I should so much like to be with you; but I must wait. There is much to do here; yet I know things will be all right.


Re Signet Ring. I don't know just when I shall get it though something of the sort was foreshadowed. Meanwhile please say if it should be engraved to actually use as a seal or not. ([illegible] of course is correct both ways) I shall get estimate from jeweler and await events.


Love is the law, love under will.


Fraternally to ΘPHION



