Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones







[17 July 1916]



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thank you for yours dated July 10 E.V.


What you say is very reassuring. Mottos are always right, whether you like it or not. If you become rich you can't change to "Unus in Automobile." I don't quite understand "the path of Vau or Gemini" Vau is Taurus. As far as I know, Parsifal is free. So take it (My own pet name, by the way, in certain quarters!)


About the Message, what you say is too sadly true. Observe enclosed letter by same post as yours. This chap, by the way, is under orders to walk to you; but he only sits and cries. If he should pluck up courage and arrive, you'll know what to do.


Yes; I need a Paul badly; always said so. Even long before the Abyss I needed a very special audience . . . . . . I have just been "outside"* and had a glance at the Message. You are right, it's quite difficult. Yet I'm quite incapable of putting it differently.


I'm still 'in profundis'. I wrote an essay on God being a Sadist two days ago, and yesterday went through a big magical ceremony; but nothing seems to revive me. I can't learn to wait for the Word properly. I believe if I could only do that for ten minutes, the Word would come. Yet it is written "To await Thee is the End, not the Beginning" And again "They that ever desire Thee shall obtain Thee, even at the End of their Desire" And "I waited patiently, and Thou wast with me from the beginning" But there are no cries here yet! By the way, I expect you'll have a much greater value for the Holy Books now. It's amazing how they improve with Initiation and they were all given to me long before the Abyss business. If I ever had any doubt about the reality of my limitations, this would dispel it. At first they seemed to me mostly mere ecstatic high-falutin' prose; now I see a meaning in every word, so that not one could be changed without making nonsense of the whole thing.


Well, I think you're all right, but we'll soon see by results.


No more now.


Love is the Law, Love under Will





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* So you're wrong about "the cannot possibly" Or do the brackets refer to your own doubt as to whether I can or not?


