Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones







[18 July 1916]



     Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours dated July 11. Re the , it is a very bad plan to try to save a weak Lodge by giving high degrees. However, this may be a special case. Our rule was that no one should ever get beyond III° until he had brought two new members up to III° This excites emulation, and makes the Lodge pay its way. However, you get things in order for the next S.G.I.G. VII° that comes waltzing in on you, and no complaints will be made. Only, remember; the Lord cometh as a Thief in the Night. Last time, luckily for you, you were ready.


About your IX°, no doubt you did what you said, but what was that? I'm really very puzzled.


I hope your whole scheme works out well. It's ideal, if it does.


I'm in typical Apophis stage, apparently. Nothing to do or say or think; just wait—Dead Weight—Lord! I feel like him to-day!


Well—things change—"Nothing lasts, as Bacon came and said"


Love is the Law, Love under Will






P.S. You may make typed copies of all letters written to you by me on occult matters, from the start—They'll be wanted for Eq[uino]x III.


